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What is Better Than Farm Fresh Local Vegetables?

Private Supported Agriculture (PSA) is another way to have organic vegetables. Grow your own crops in open yard space, and if you do not have the land, your sunny deck, patio, or porch are purposeful places to have a container garden. With the help of a Certified Advance Master Gardener, who consults, designs, plants, and when necessary maintains your garden. It is possible to have fresh produce steps away from your kitchen. You can pick seasonal vegetables daily or per meal. The entire family gets involved with the harvesting of the best onsite food.

Your PSA, of course, is the most trusted source of your groceries. My nirvana moment came when I picked tomatoes, peppers, garlic, onions, and cilantro for fresh homemade salsa. I have been adding vegetables to my garden based on food I enjoy cooking and eating such as eggplant for eggplant parmesan, arugula, and mesclun lettuce for salads.

The purpose of having a PSA is to maintain the soil quality associated with organic gardening. The Advanced Master Gardener has the expertise in both soil management and integrated pest control. Growing your own is the something that is better than farm fresh local vegetables. The best part of your personal garden is savoring the fresh vegetables grown by you!


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