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Bug Off

I use insect repellant. It repels most of the flying pest. My summer outdoor life is filled with walks, hikes, gardening, barbequing, and concerts in the park. These are activities where you experience the natural world’s benefits and drawbacks. Consistently shaking and striking away annoying mosquitoes and other insects makes for an uncomfortable atmosphere. The tranquility is met with disturbances.

July and August are weather related uncomfortable months. It’s summer, a season when the


blooms of wild Rudbeckia and Monarda are at their best. Then Echinacea will burst and will bloom through late summer. I spotted a Monarch Butterfly and heard the humming of the buzzyness of bees during my afternoon walk in the yard. They live to alight on the various hues of the purple Phlox, the remaining blooms of the New Dawn Rose, and the elongated blooms of Hosta. That’s all part of an enchanting and whimsical summer. Those same days are also the dog days, where the humidity is unrelentless and the mosquitoes are too. Mosquitos have sent many outdoor enthusiasts running back indoors.

Luckily, I came across an insect repellant years ago that was made in small artisanal batches. When that was no longer available, a sister volunteered to create a similar style repellant. It works

good. Good because it does what it is supposed to do. It is good because of the quality of the ingredients. It repels due to the strong scent of the naturel oils. Harmless because those oils are massage grade.

The signs of summer, flowers, bees, mosquitos have their place in our environment; and so does a good insect repellant. Find one that you are comfortable using. Mitigating the drawbacks of the natural world lets you enjoy more time outside to experience the great outdoors at your level of understanding and happiness.


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