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Art Definitely Imitates Life

Landscaping and crafts, I love it when they come together. Artists have multiple methods of capturing beautiful moments of the naturel world. Be it in painting in the methods of realism or impressionism it produces thought provoking imagery that puts the appreciator in the depicted environment.

Weaving crafts use plant fibers and knitting and crocheting use animal fibers to produce utility and wearable objects.  These objects in their 3-dimensional form are transformed into things that are far removed from their original state.  This crocheted Leucanthemum is a fine example of art imitating life. I am so thrilled to see this handbag and knowing that it was made after the artist walked through this planned field of daisies proves that once again being outside continues to spark joy.  Daisies are perennials so the field gets more abundant each year. The growth coverage pattern is natural because they are spread by rhizomes and division.

Fortunately, this daisy bag and any art that copies nature can be viewed long after the scenery is gone. I don’t know if this is a good thing, but my family and friends enjoy the times when we walk outdoors and make uniquely meaningful connections. 


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