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Garden Habits to Practice

There are many methods for growing healthy plants and maintaining lush landscapes.  Knowing critical gardening patterns will prepare you better for the growing cycles and will help you master the short growing season. Here are a few quick and clean recommendations that improve your skills and save money, too. Gardening habits to practice:

  1. Decrease the use of herbicides and pesticides applied around young plants, new plants and grass seedlings.

  2. Keep mulch away from the trunk of trees and away from the stems and stalk of plants and shrubs.

  1. Add compost to improve soil structure and nutrients.

  2. Make time to weed garden beds, using a good tool to lessen the work effort.

  3. Cut back spent flower head and stalks.

The benefits of these simple effective practices will be realized immediately.  There will be less harm done to the soil, a better chance for plant survival, and a more beautiful outcome in the landscape. Details about each recommendation will be written about in a separate posting. Timely tips should be given when the work is being done.

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