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Think Like a Landscaper

It is amazing how my prospective on nature has evolved. The landscaper works raw untouched land and then recreates an environment that is orderly and controlled. It is this newly created ecosystem that softly deviates from the natural habitat that becomes most interesting and the focal point. I have seen how nature recovers from extreme damage caused by weather related events. Landscapers can alter and handle unwanted natural structures. However, it is more difficult to fix man made damage done to soil; such as, applying caustic substances that effect plants and animals.

I have written some of these observations in haiku. The processes and the intricacy of an ecosystem are what my haiku attempt to decipher.


Step into quiet

Spring time rains rolling down a flight

Swift books sounds loudly


Thunder nitrogen

Pull from air and ground absorb

Greener world abound


Plant a plan garden.

Time reorders randomly.

The wind executes.

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